
日期:2013-06-13 来源:






蔡生盛教授简介:Choi San Shing 教授于1976年获得新西兰坎特伯雷大学博士学位。1976-1978年就职于新西兰电力工业部,1978-1981年在新加坡国立大学任教,1981-1992年在澳大利亚西澳能源委员会工作,主要负责系统稳定性分析、电压稳定控制、电能质量及SVC的应用等工作,并于1989-1992年期间担任西澳能源委员会电力系统部主任,负责系统运行管理工作。1992年10月加入新加坡南洋理工大学电气与电子工程学院,现为该校终身教授,并于1995年4月-2005年7月期间担任电力工程系主任。


Three current research projects into renewable energy-energystorage systems shall be described. The first project is pertainingto aproposed statistical approach to the design of abattery-supercapacitor hybrid energy storage system to achievepower dispatch control of wind farm. The design exploits thetechnical merits of the two energy storage mediums, in terms of thedifferences in their specific power and energy densities, and theirability to accommodate different rates of change in thecharging/discharging powers. By treating the input wind power asrandom and using a proposed coordinated power flows controlstrategy for the battery and the supercapacitor, the approachevaluates the energy storage capacities, the corresponding expectedlife cycle cost/year of the storage mediums, and the expectedcost/year of un-met power dispatch. A computational procedure isthen developed for the design of the least-cost/yearhybrid energystorage system to realize wind power dispatch at specifiedconfidence level.

The next project is on the design of a series-connectedphotovoltaic generator (SPVG) capable of enhancing power quality.Analysis of SPVG operations under disturbance conditions showsexplicitly how achievable network voltage quality is affected bythe SPVG apparent power rating, and that voltage quality can besignificantly improved even with a modest level of energy storagecapacity incorporated in the SPVG. A control system for the SPVG isalso proposed. Both simulation and laboratory tests shall be usedto illustrate the efficacy of the distributed generating system.

The last topic is on dish-Stirling solar-thermal power plant. Asimplified adiabatic model of the Stirling engine is developed forthe study of grid-connected power plant. The model relates theaverage values of the engine state variables and also takes intoaccount engine losses. As the engine is shown to exhibitnon-minimum phase behavior, an improved temperature control schemefor the engine heat absorber is developed. By including enginespeed, pressure and solar insolation limits into the analysis,steady-state feasible operating state of the power plant isobtained. Maximum solar energy harness is shown achievable throughvariable speed operation of the power plant.