ѧÊõ±¨¸æ֪ͨ£ºEmpirical Software Engineering

ÈÕÆÚ£º2019-10-08 À´Ô´£º

ÌâÄ¿£ºEmpirical Software Engineering

Ö÷½²£ºMarkku Oivo (PhD, eMBA)





Markku Oivo (PhD, eMBA) is a full professor and head of the M3S research unit at the University of Oulu, Finland. M3S is one of the largest software engineering units in Europe. During 2000-2002 he was Vice President and director of R&D at Solid Co., a company that acquired close to 50 M venture capital funding. He held several positions at VTT in 1986-2000.  He had visiting positions at the University of Maryland (1990-91), Schlumberger Ltd. (Paris 1994-95), Fraunhofer IESE (1999-2000), University of Bolzano (2014-15), and Universidad Polit¨¦cnica de Madrid (2015). He has worked at Kone Co. (1982-86). He is a founding member and chair of the steering committee of ISERN, which is a global network of top software engineering researchers and organizations. He is also founding member of the global Software Startup Research Network. He is currently the main supervisor of 10 PhD theses and has successfully supervised 15 PhD theses during the past 7 years.


1. Introduction to empirical software engineering (ESE)

2. ESE research projects

3. State-of-the-art requirements engineering in rapid software development

4. Automotive software engineering
